The best Mario flash on Newgrounds!
This is the best popular Mario flash in the Mario collection!, Like seriously!, I give this a 10!, Cool and awesome!, Really like a popular Mario fan!, See Super Mario Bros Z!, Alvin-Earthworm is the most popular Mario fan!, He is really awesome!, I wish there is a fan club for Mario!, Like for Mario fans!, Wait a minute!, There is a Nintendo fan club called Club Nintendo!, Where everyone collects Coins and sell things with their Collectable Coins!, Congratulations!, You are #1, Including Alvin-Earthworm!, He is the best #1 Mario fan in the entire universe!, He is a Newgrounds beast!, And his Flash Skill is over 9000!, LOL!, I wish there is a My Newgrounds Flash made by you!, I wish this flash never got blammed!, For the rest of Newgrounds life!, Including Youtube!, xD